Thursday, December 8, 2016

Butter in my morning brew

In the past year or so, I've started to really have a love for coffee. As a college student, I had decided that if I would ever survive working a 40-hour week and a 17-credit hour semester, I needed the bitter nectar in my life.

I forced myself to drink it until I didn't hate it anymore, basically.

Well I've been trying a lot of new things with my coffee, just so that it isn't the same old, same old every single morning.

Recently I've tried 2 new methods when making my mornin' cup o' Joe: using Stevia and adding butter.


I love my coffee with creamer and sugar, which for some reason opens you up for jokes in the newsroom. Oh well; I like what I like.

Anyway, I was recently turned on to Stevia, which is a sugar substitute that is much sweeter and a much healthier alternative to regular sugar, as it is derived from the leaves of stevia plants.

It has been used in Latin American cultures for centuries, and also shows to have additional health benefits.

Plus, it's only $6 for a bag at your local WalMart or Crest, or probably any health food store, and it seems to last longer than sugar.

Stevia; sugar substitute. Looks like Colombian Bam Bam but oh well.

It's light, almost like powdered sugar, and by using it, I've noticed that I can use less than half of the sugar I used to put in my coffee. It's just that sweet. If that isn't a plus, then I don't know what is.

I'd like to try baking desserts with it, so you'll have to look out for that post!

OK, so here is the crazy one: butter in my coffee.

Yeah, that's right. Butter. In. My. Coffee.

Everyone that I've spoken with about it has either shown absolute disgust for the idea, or was really interested as to why I've been doing it.

It all goes back to the kind of butter you use. Kerry Gold, an Irish, imported, grass-fed butter, is the most common type that I've seen.

Grass-fed butter is one of the healthiest fats you can find, and before you think, "but fats are bad right?" just listen.

Now I can really get into the 400 different fatty acids that are found in grass-fed butter, but I'll spare you all of that talk. If you want to read more up on it, check out EcoWatch.

Basically, this butter contains a whole heck of a lot of conjugated linoleic acid (CLA), which is a very popular weight loss supplement.

Not only is it great for your metabolism, but it drastically reduces your chances of heart disease.

Keep in mind, all things in moderation. It is still butter, so I don't eat a lot of it, but I try to put a little dab in my morning coffee once a day.

Honestly, not only does it taste good now, it really makes me feel better. I feel more awake and energized. Seriously.

I used to drink 2-3 cups of coffee each morning, but now I feel great after just one. Sometimes, I only drink half a cup now for that same reason!

I recommend trying it if you want another small thing to help boost your metabolism, or you should just try it because it's new, and you can't knock it until you do.

                               A Pondering Pen

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