Thursday, November 10, 2016

Cred on the streets and in the kitchen

Hold onto your pants you guys, we just found a replacement show while we wait for HBO to finish filming Game of Thrones.

On a real note, Martha and Snoop's Potluck Dinner Party premiered on Monday and I think it was a great way to relax and have fun in the midst of all the craziness of the election.

I haven't gotten to watch it yet, as I was covering the election in our newsroom (we had 15,000 viewers that tuned in to our TRILINGUAL coverage of the election), but you can bet I will be hopping on that gravy train ASAP.

The first episode is called "Putting the Pot in Potluck" and they actually don't make what you'd see at a potluck— shocking I know.

They had a specialty fried chicken cook-off with guests actor Seth Rogan, and rappers Ice Cube and Wiz Khalifa.

I'm definitely going to tune out the negativity and hate from the election, and tune in to possibly get an incredible fried chicken recipe.

I also want to point out that Snoop Dogg, formerly known as Snoop Lion and formerly formerly known as Snoop Dogg, is hilarious by himself. If you haven't seen him narrate otters in a nature documentary, please look at the video below.

It's adorable. I don't really know what else to say about that.

Some people have critiqued VH1 saying, "they must be running out of ideas," but I think that this brainchild will be so entertaining to watch.

Stay tuned, I'll be back with updates, but I promise I won't spoil who won the cook-off!


That was probably the best show I've watched in a long time! I haven't laughed that hard in a hot minute, so I recommend checking it out.

                               A Pondering Pen

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