Tuesday, September 27, 2016

Push it to the limit

Prepare yourselves, America. Times are a changin'.

This isn't supposed to sound like a sales pitch, so I apologize in advance if that's what it sounds like. I'm just still so amazed by this new product that I have planned to purchase one as soon as I get home.

Amazon Dash Buttons. 

Genius. Pure genius.

These amazing little buttons are hooked up to your Amazon Prime account— if you don't have one, you should probably get one.

They're amazing for college students and your regular average joe that hates interacting with other human beings on a day-to-day basis.

There are a plethora of different brands hooked up to these as well. Got the munchies and you're almost out of Doritos? Push a button and you should receive a new bag in two days' time.

Not fast enough for you?

Just wait until the use of delivery drones is super common, and there are even more brands linked to these Amazon buttons. I mean, Domino's in New Zealand is already trying out pizza delivery drones next week, so why not have toilet paper delivery drones, or detergent delivery drones?

The possibilities are blowing my mind.

This IS the drone you're looking for.
Or shoot, what if you're doing laundry and you have GOT to remember to pick up some more detergent, because you keep forgetting it. Just push this little button on your washer, and you can have your favorite detergent delivered to your door before you run out.

I also think it's a little funny, but they also have Trojan buttons, where you can order from 30 different condom types.

Now, let's have some real talk here. I haven't purchased one yet, so I'm not sure about the little details.

I do know that it hooks up to your Amazon app on your phone, so every time you push the button and purchase something, you should receive a notification if you have it enabled.

Some of you may be thinking, "What about people with kids? What if the button gets pushed a lot at once?"

Amazon has an answer for that too. Their site states:
"With this setting, Dash Button responds only to your first press until your order is delivered—regardless of how many times Dash Button is pressed." 
You have pre-sets on your account, so you can always get your favorite flavor of Doritos, or in Trojan's case you get your favorite type of "love socks."

It's just cool to think about how far technology is coming. Who would have thought you could absent-mindedly press a button and it would make your life 20x easier? Especially as someone who is easily distracted at stores, and will leave with things I didn't even know I needed, this button is a lifesaver.

And for those of you who think this is lazy, yeah you're probably right. But, as someone who dreads going to the grocery story for little things that I may have missed during a normal shopping trip, this little button saves me precious time to play more video games or tend to my garden.

It's the little things in life and technology is getting pretty amazing.

                               A Pondering Pen

1 comment:

  1. Lol, the toilet paper image was a little too late. Looks like they're going to have to sit on the toilet until the next shipment comes in.
