Thursday, September 1, 2016

To get the ball rolling...

"We were on a break!" - Dr. Ross Geller, Friends

I like to bring up issues that make people think and debate, because the sharing of clashing opinions helps "keep my mind sharp," as my friend with an old soul said to me recently. I prefer to keep things light-hearted, but sometimes the situation may call for a more in-depth look. No matter where you stand on an issue, I want to hear what you have to say and why. I usually try not to categorize people by their opinions because human beings seem to have certain nuances that make them unique.

One of the many times Ross was wrong about life. Yeah, I'm salty.
Except-- if you take Ross' side in the debate on whether he and Rachel being "on a break" made it OK for him to cheat. Also, if you don't get that reference, then you should take a stay-cation to educate yourself on the cultural phenomenon that is Friends. On a side note, I met a very cool individual who watched Friends episodes for four months, and she learned how to speak English by doing so. Humans are crazy right?

Overall, random things seem to happen to me all of the time that makes me stop and think, and I want to do that with my readers. I feel like people go through the hustle and bustle of their day, in their own world, and don't stop to have open, intellectual conversations as much as they should. Luckily, I think that is starting to change because, thanks to social media, different opinions are more widespread and people start to remember that the pen is mightier than the sword; talking about an issue and debating it encourages the free flow of thought, while fighting about it gets people nowhere.

Either way, I'm excited to start this journey with everyone, so check in next week for the next topic!

                               A Pondering Pen

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