Tuesday, October 18, 2016

How to own "being basic"

I'm young. I'm female. I'm white. I love leggings, flannel, and fall. I adore pumpkin spice flavored everything.

Basically, I am the definition of "basic."

According to Urban Dictionary, being basic is:

An adjective used to describe any person, place, [or] activity involving obscenely obvious behavior, dress, [or] action... Used to describe someone devoid of defining characteristics that might make a person interesting, extraordinary, or just simply worth devoting time or attention to.
This might be a little harsh, saying a person is so cookie-cutter that they have no differing qualities than someone else, but it honestly doesn't bother me.

I am what I am, and hey— pumpkin spice is delicious. 

I "PowerPuffed" myself months ago, but didn't realize the levels of basicness until it was too late.

I look forward to fall every year because I have an excuse to wear leggings, boots, scarves, and walk around drinking hot coffee.

But thanks to the Gods of Basic, we now can enjoy pumpkin spice everything!

It didn't occur to me until a recent trip to the mall, how many variations of the spice has been adapted to different food groups. At that particular trip, my friend and I stopped at Auntie Anne's, because those pretzels just smelled so delicious.

I knew what I wanted—a regular salted pretzel with cheese dipping sauce. Lo and behold, we get to the cashier, and she looks at my friend (who also may be classified as basic) and me and recommends we try the new Pumpkin Spice pretzel bites.

They were delicious, by the way.
Was I offended that this person found her target audience? Not at all! I'm glad she recommended it.

I didn't get the icing dip they came with though. Girl's got to have boundaries.

I walked around with this cup of pretzel bites and shared them with cashiers at all of the shops we stopped at, and the cashiers were all surprised they existed too.

I was happy to share the pumpkin spice addiction. 

Since then, I've kept an eye out for pumpkin spice flavored items, just to see what else would be gifted to us basic girls this season.

Another trip to a different mall (I really don't go that much, I promise) yielded this discovery:

I love me some Teavana.

Pumpkin spice warm tea! Now this is something I can get behind.

This was taken at Teavana, and if you've never been, you need to check it out. They have samples of different kinds of tea you can brew, and this one took the cake.

Imagine: sitting out on your back porch, wrapped up in some slippers and pjs on a crisp morning, sipping some freshly brewed, warm tea. Tell me you don't enjoy the fall.

This tasted more like spice, and less like pumpkin, but it was also a little sweet. I hate bitter tea so I was all over this.

I haven't bought it though, because I'm pretty broke.

Hopefully at my next paycheck, they won't be sold out.

On another excursion with some friends to try a ramen place in the Plaza District, we stopped afterward into Roxy's homemade ice cream shop, even though there was a line out the door!

Roxy's pumpkin spice ice cream.
Once at the counter, I didn't even get a chance to look at all of the unique flavors that were there, because my basic radar went off, and I honed in on the pumpkin spice flavored ice cream.

Also, very delicious.

All I have to say is this: don't let people make you feel bad because you like something. If you aren't hurting anyone, then what's the harm in indulging in seasonal things?

To me, this is like telling someone not to enjoy Christmas. Pumpkin spice should have its own holiday.

Fingers crossed that happens sometime in my lifetime.

                               A Pondering Pen


  1. I can get down with the pumpkin spice, but I'm more of a pumpkin spice craft beer over every other beverage kind of girl.

    1. Never tried that but that will definitely be next on the list to try!
