Tuesday, October 25, 2016


So apparently #Repealthe19th is a thing.

Just so you know, the 19th amendment gives women the right to vote.

The amendment states that the right of citizens to vote "shall not be denied or abridged by the United States or by any State on account of sex."

Now, this hashtag has been circulating on Twitter and many thought that this must be a joke. I hate to be the bearer of bad news, but some extremists are dead serious about keeping women from voting.

I would also like to point out in the tweet above, that this man also thinks the 15th Amendment should be repealed.

For those of you that would like to brush up on your rights really quick, the 15th Amendment to the Constitution granted African American men the right to vote by declaring that the "right of citizens of the United States to vote shall not be denied or abridged by the United States or by any state on account of race, color, or previous condition of servitude."

That's right. This guy thinks that women and "people of color" should not be allowed to vote, despite their citizenship.

Unfortunately, this man isn't alone.

This trending hashtag started after a tweet from FiveThirtyEight's Chief Editor, Nate Silver, was put out on the social media site:

And a following picture was posted that showed if "just dudes voted," with a red map of the United States. The site claims that these demographic maps are based off of Public Religion Research Institution Poll on behalf of the Atlantic.

I'm not sure if Silver intended or anticipated this reaction, but Strickland's, and some other Trump supporters', reactions to this is absolutely ignorant and intolerant.

You don't like that other people disagree with you, so you want to start a trend to take away their right to vote? You're allowed to have your opinion you have that right but if you want to take away my rights you can pry my ballot from my cold, lifeless fingers.

Thousands of men and women died for my rights and those of other Americans. This has got to be a joke right?

There is even more unfortunate news. There are women who are supporting this hashtag.
This has got to be the most disappointing moment, for me personally, in this whole farce of an election.

The right to vote is the core to our democracy. Our fair and equal right to vote is what separates Americans from the rest of the world.

Some people on Twitter are saying Trump supporters don't actually mean it and Liberals are just using this hashtag to demonize the Conservatives.

I honestly don't give a damn who you're voting for or who you align yourself with, but it's hard to brush off when people post this:
It's a little hard to believe that people don't actually believe the hashtag and are just "trolling." This user is in Austria by the way, and I think I got cancer reading through the hate this user propagates.

Luckily there are men and women in our country that are appalled by this trend, so there's that. A lot of them happen to be Trump supporters, I know personally, as well.

I wonder how they feel though, when the idiocy of others paints the Republican party that way? I know not all Conservatives think this way, just like how not all Liberals support some of the garbage other Democrats say. Some might not be as open-minded though.

I just think, if you wouldn't give up your right to bear arms, your right to free speech, your right to your religion, why in the world would you give up your right to vote? Why would you want to stop your fellow Americans from voting?

It was a little eye-opening that there is still so much hate and bigotry in the world, that others would strip basic, human rights from others, simply because of differing opinions. My faith in humanity has reached an all-time low that this is what we've come to this election.

                               A Pondering Pen

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